Membership & Dues
QAC USNAAA Member Dues
The Quantico Area Chapter of the U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Association (QAC, USNAAA) is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and your dues are tax deductible. Dues cover a calendar year from June to May.
Your annual dues are the primary input of the Chapter’s operating capital, and as such support some of the following endeavors:
– Monthly Breakfast Speaker Series
– Outreach to USNA Parents’ Clubs
– Scholarships to USNA STEM Camp
– Support to Semper Fi Fund for Wounded Warriors (now for all Services).
A complete List is in the slide below:
The Quantico Area USNAAA Chapter, like most organizations, needs funding to operate. We realize you have many demands on your resources and requests for donations for worthy causes. So, we have tried to structure our requests using a combination of low annual dues and social events that are pay-as-you-go. The dues pay for operating expenses, such as donations to the Semper Fi Fund in the name of our speakers, costs for events that aren’t covered in payment received for the event, donations for members who have passed away, establishing tax-exempt status with the IRS, etc.
The USNA Alumni Association and Foundation (The National Association) requires $25 dues paying members who are also members of the National Association in order to have a charter as a local Chapter. We encourage our members to not only join QAC but also join the National Association if not already members.
Your Chapter is careful to manage your funds wisely. As required in the by-laws, the Chapter produces an annual report that includes financial statement reporting, financial position and the results of operations. Periodic independent audits are also conducted per the bylaws. Those reports are appended to the reports found under the Chapter History tab.
Your Chapter is inclusive of anyone supporting the Academy and its mission. Alumni, spouses, parents of Midshipmen and others interested in the Academy and its mission are welcome to participate in its activities. Naturally, we encourage membership and there are categories of membership to fit eligibility and interest. You don’t have to be a member to participate but we encourage you to make the commitment and help us build a strong foundation for service and social interaction to support you, the Academy, and the Brigade. It is your Chapter and exists to further the interests of the membership.
- A tax-exempt donation for your dues and other, eligible, donations
- Voting rights for matters affecting the Chapter as outlined in the by-laws
- Support for Blue and Gold by helping deserving young people attend STEM camps and generate an interest in applying to USNA
- A say in what happens in the Chapter and ways to improve it
- Opportunity to run for office within the Chapter’s Governing Council
- Camaraderie (when old tales are embellished and retold)
- Interaction with other alumni from many different classes and great networking opportunities
- Access to various speakers who address real-world Naval issues, the current status of USNA, what’s on the horizon, and information of value in the working world
- Membership in the 15th largest USNA alumni chapter (out of just over 100 chapters)
Payment Methods
- Cash or Check ($20 for 1 year; $60 for 3 years) in person at Monthly Breakfasts. Checks made payable to the QAC Treasurer.
- Check by mail ($20 for 1 year; $60 for 3 years) (no cash please). Fill-in and submit the Chapter Membership Form via e-mail to the QAC Treasurer.
- For alumni who graduated more than 50 years ago, the yearly dues are $10 FOR ONE YEAR
Membership payments are tax exempt.
If you are a New Member, or have updated contact information, please fill-in the Chapter Membership Form and submit via e-mail to the QAC Treasurer.